Sunday, 10 May 2009

James Mudd's quote on Landscape Photography

Found this great quote! No doubt these words over 100 years on, ring true to avid landscape photographers ears!

James Mudd delivered the following to the Manchester Photographic Society in 1858:"Landscape photography! How pleasantly the words fall upon the ear of the enthusiasticphotographer. What agreeable association are connected with our excursions into thecountry. How often have we wandered along the rough sea-shore or climbed the breezy hillside, or descended the shady valley, or toiled along the rock bed of some mountain stream,forgetting, in the excitement of our pursuit, the burdens we carried, or the roughness of thepath we trod. What delightful hours we passed in wandering through the quiet ruins of somevenerable abbey, impressing, with wondrous truth, upon the delicate tablets we carried, themarvellous beauty of Gothic window, of broken column, and ivy wreathed arch. Howpleasant our visits to moss-green old churches and picturesque cottages and stately castlesand a thousand pretty nooks, in the shady wood, by the river side, or in the hedgerow,where the wild convolvulus, the bramble and luxuriant fern have arrested us in ourwanderings...."

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