Monday, 25 May 2009

Did You Know? Photo Trivia

The world record for the highest price paid for a photograph as of 2008 was $3,346,456 in February 2007 for 99 Cent II Diptychon by Andres Gursky!
Who said photography doesn't pay!
Following that is Edward Steichen 'The Pond - Moonlight' taken in 1904 which sold for $2,928,000 in February 2006.
These are also in the top ten:
Alfred Stieglitz's, Georgia O'Keeffe (Hands) taken in 1919 sold in 2006 for $1,470,000 and his image of Georgia O'Keeffe Nude sold the same year for 1,360,000.
Richard Prince's Untitled (Cowboy), fetched $1,248,000, while Joseph-Philibert Girault De Prangey 113.Athènes, T[emple] de J[upiter] olympien pris de l'est, made $922,488.
Gustave Le Gray's The Great Wave, Sete (1857), was sold for $838,000, and Robert Mapplethorpe Andy Warhol (1987), made $643,200,
This all pushed Ansel Adams famous Moonrise, Hernandez, New Mexico (1948), down the list of top ten for making $609,600 in 2006 and last in the top ten was Andreas Gursky Untitled 5 1997, which made $559,724.
The image shown, Identical 'Twins(Cathleen and Colleen)' by Diane Arbus which was once firlmly in the top ten when it was sold for 478,400 has now been forced out and is at number 12.

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