After the past couple days and the devastation caused on the beautiful islands of Samoa, in the South Pacific, it has made me stop and reflect on my visit there earlier this year and the images I captured.
Some of the places I visited and stayed at have nothing left, lives have been lost and a nation that relies heavily on tourism thrust into chaos.
My time in Samoa was nothing less than brilliant. The people so kind, generous and sharing, the destination so beautiful, I threatened to lose my passport.
Here are a few of my images from that trip – we will be going through our whole library in the next week to add more.
We wish Samoa and its entire people a speedy recovery. Our thoughts are with you and we will return to your wonderful isles.
The team from Bluedog are now preparing a package of relief items to be transported next week.
Sunset Point, officially the last place on Earth you can see the sun set, Savaii Island.
The tattered sign read 'Wife Wanted' at the Crater Mans hut.
When I first heard the choir I thought it was tapped music, the sound was from angels.
Such beauty and calm.
Traditional tattooed men .